I love to fuck women, but I CAN'T make mental connections with them in any way. I hate dancing, bantering, push/pull conversations, anything emotional, and cosmo. I'm so boring and my current girlfriend thinks I'm gay, so why not? I used to think I was gay for maybe 3 years in HS. Perhaps women aren't for me, I fuckin hate talking to them. All I enjoy doing with them is approaching, seducing, and fucking. I can't really do much else. It would be so sick to have a somewhat intellectual conversation with someone attractive and then fuck them. You can't do that with women because they're always doing their scatterbrained chit chat and would rather you just "uh huh, yeah, OK" as they jibber jabber about whatever. Maybe I should just break up with my current gf and go gay, that'd add insult to injury.
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I think you should date a PUA
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Not all girls are like that broham. There are normal girls out there that are just easy going and cool.
If you truly are gay, you might wanna read sleazy archive on masf. I heard that one of the tactic to turn girls on, he makes out with other men.
I strongly recommend you field test that and let us know how it work out for ya.
Dont thank me, i just like to give out advice that i have no intention of ever using
You're not gay, you're pretty normal actually.
Don't listen to your girlfriend. Dump her.
If you love to fuck women you're straight.
If you want to fuck men too you might be bisexual.
The fact that you don't like the stuff most women talk about does not make you gay at all.
Once you find a decent, interesting girl you'll be able to connect with her emotionally.
Most women are plain boring. Get used to that.
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It's just your girlfriend.
If you feel unhappy about girls, then you can definitely explore dating other guys.
I'm freely recommend the three resident homosexual for you to date and also providing you a brief description about their attractive qualities.
1. Lefty: have over 40,000 post or more world wide over the internet. Loves making kissy faces. I heard his ass is small so you could do him a favor and take his anal virginity. The best part about lefty is, he's such a douch that if you date him, feel free to slap his face a couple times a day for good measure.
2. Sleazy: He is known to be scrupted. It's like dating alexander the great statue when you're with this dude. He's good at fingering girls at clubs so no doubt you and him will have a good times. The biggest challenge to date this guy is that you might have to sign up for his 990 euro bootcamp in order to sample is free bj before you date him.
3. 60: He's business partner with sleazy so there's no doubt they'll share also something else. In fact dating him, you prob also gets to date sleazy. The three of you can hand caress each other and have IMO with each other =D
Almost every guy hates dancing, bantering, push pull and all that crap. They just do it for sex.
You know who can have the best conversations with girls? Gay dudes.
Only PU gurus tell you that you should enjoy this whole fake game shit, otherwise youre not in touch wit your positivity. Maybe thats because the gurus are gay themself.